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chemt tools


        this output
    xyz outputfile
    xyz outputfile [number] {--[type]}
        parse geometry
        [number] - geometry number, default is last
        --[type] - output type:
           --gaussian - gaussian input which is by default
           --xyz      - xyz type
    opt outputfile
        parse opt/ status
    plus inputfile
                   from wich xyz line
                   how much to add to x, y or z coordinte
    rotate inputfile
                           from wich xyz line atom
                           how much deg. to rotate according x, y or z axiz
                           optinal. rezults to filell
    compare [double] inputfile1 inputfile2
    move inputfile --atom=[number] --set=[1|2] {--out=filename}
                   --set=1: atom as (0,0,0) for XYZ
                   --set=2: atom second for rotation accordidig Z axis
                   --out=filename: write rezult to file also, availible with --set=2 only

get outputfile {E0|S|t|ts|f|Density|FreqRaman}
                   get SCF Done energies
                   get Excited state energies data
                   get astro. running time (G16)
                   get astro. running time (G16)     in seconds
                   termination status
                    Freq. calculation data

                Density {number}
                    1 - Ground to excited state transition electric dipole moments
               rez. table:
               state          X           Y           Z        Dip. S.

                    2 - Ground to excited state transition velocity dipole moments
               rez. table:
               state          X           Y           Z        Dip. S.

                    3 - Ground to excited state transition magnetic dipole moments
               rez. table
               state          X           Y           Z

                    4 - Ground to excited state transition velocity quadrupole moments
               rez. table
               state          XX          YY          ZZ          XY          XZ          YZ

            prints table: Mode,Frequencies,Red. masses,Frc consts,IR Inten,Raman Activ


                ==CSV format XYZ coordinates==
    xyz -f=outputfile --csv
    xyz --file=outputfile --csv
    xyz --file=inputfile --csv -i
    xyz --file=inputfile --csv --input

                 charges {number}
                    1 - Mulliken charges Condensed to atoms (all electrons)
                    2 - Mulliken charges with hydrogens summed into heavy atoms

                 sort inputfile {--axis=x|y|z}
        sorts XYZ according the chosen axis. Default axis is Z

                    Dipole moment (field-independent basis, Debye):
                                                 comment: form the begining xyz
               rez. table:
                   X           Y           Z        Dipole

                update inputfile1 inputfile2 atom1 atom2 atom3
             inputfile1  - XYZ in which should be moved
             inputfile2  - XYZ working structure
             atom1 atom2 atom3 - atom numbers for common plane of both structures

    * arbitrary signs and symbols:
        {} - optinal values
        [] - value type
        inputfile - Gaussian input file
        outputfile - Gaussian output file


0.9 beta

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